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Cover Letter

Dear Mr. Klink

My name is Jason Brinton, I am currently a sophmore at Salt Lake Community College, majoring in electrical engineering.  I attended the presentation of Mr. Kinchloe last week about the Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) and I am very interested in attending.

I feel that I will be able to apply my excellent math and physics background to this internship position.  The flier asked for at least calculus 2 and physics 2, both of which I am taking right now, and I am expecting to get an ‘A’ out of both classes.

I feel that I would be able to show my ability to work hard to do the best job that can be done.  Some of the projects asked for machining and welding experience, I am currently enrolled in a manual machine shop class, and last semester I took a metal sculpting, which was really a class that taught me to weld, and then lets you make projects of you choice.  I feel that these skills can be used in the projects that ask specifically for machining and welding experience.

Thank you for considering me for this position

Jason W.